DfE scheme: free grant for remote learning

The Department for Education launched a Government-funded initiative in 2020 to help schools move to remote learning digital platforms. Computer Talk is one of several Google Partners assisting with this initiative, which will help students continue to learn from home during the Covid-19 pandemic.

Is your school eligible?

The scheme is designed to prioritise those schools without a Microsoft Office 365 or Google for Education learning platform. You are eligible if you are:

  • a Primary school in England without an Office 365 or G-Suite learning platform. You will be eligible for funding to develop a digital education platform for a fixed cost of £1,500.

  • a Secondary school in England without an Office 365 or G-Suite learning platform. You will be eligible for funding to develop a digital education platform for a fixed cost of £2,000.

  • a school in England in a Multi-Academy Trust (MAT) of up to 10 schools. You will be eligible for £1,000 per school to create a MAT-wide approach (a single platform for the whole MAT).

Schools that already have G-Suite or Microsoft Office 365 but are not yet set up to assign work and communicate with pupils are also eligible.

How we can help

As a certified Google Partner with over 30 years of experience within the education sector, we’re delighted to be part of this joint initiative with Google and the DfE during these challenging times.

Apply now

If you are not eligible for the DfE scheme, please do get in touch to discuss how we can assist you to ensure that learning and teaching continue for your students.

Email DfEscheme@computertalk.co.uk or call 020 8595 7744. 

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